If UniSoft Imaging is not the best fit for your document imaging solutions, UniSoft Imaging can recommend one of our partner companies for your Document Imaging task.
UniSoft Imaging’s Partners, Selected Customers, and Consultants

UniSoft Imaging works with partners, customers, and consultants to provide affordable document imaging solutions. If UniSoft Imaging cannot help you, then some of these consultants or companies might.
Document Logistics, LLC specializes in migrating electronic records from one system to another. Document Logistics converts images and index data from older imaging systems to the format and media of newer systems.
Exports from and import to Minolta, FYI Identitech, Wang, Optika, FileNET, ImagePlus, ViewStart, Keyfile, Frequent Filer, Watermark, Lanier, Power Plus, OTG, Bell and Howell, TAB, Genesys, and many other systems.
Document Logistics supports 5.25″ and 12″ media from Sony, HP, IBM, Panasonic, ISi, ATG/Cygnet, Philips, Kodak, Pinnacle and more.
Gregory D. Woolverton
Document Logistics, LLC,
2214 Hollydale Ave.
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
225-709-0406 Office and Mobile
504-483-6909 Mobile
Precision Software Technologies, Inc. is a leader in image processing and automated data entry providing:
- Solutions for all areas of check processing.
- Economical check imaging and microfilm replacement systems.
- Remittance systems ranging from desk top units to high speed lockbox systems.
- All types of tabulation and specialized form reading software systems.
- In-house services to meet any specialized archiving/billing/data entry requirement.
Precision Software Technologies, Inc.
23310 State Road 54, #326
Lutz, FL 33545
Phone: (813) 996 5500
Fax: (813) 996-5600
E-Mail: cparks@pstezscan.com
Website: http://pstezscan.com